I am Looking to import Sisal Fiber from Tanzania

If you are a business man looking to import Sisal Fiber from Tanzania then you are at the right place. At Eco Edge Company Limited, you will not only get the quantity you want but the quality as well. Their facility is modern ensuring what they produce meets the world’s standard. The Tanzanian government has made it very easy to trade with the country through reduced taxes and companies like Eco Edge have benefited from this open system. It is a system that favors both the buyer and thee seller. Unlike other countries, there are no stringent laws and you can travel to the country, do business and go back without any problems.

How to buy Sisal fiber wholesale from Eco Edge

How policies and terms are very easy. The market today has just one problem and that is who to trust. Once we build trust, you will see it is very easy doing business with us. Our price is already very attractive and more discount is given depending on the quantity you want to buy. Make contact today, visit our factory and buy Sisal fiber wholesale from the best company in Africa.

Tanzania trade laws

Import regulations
Importers must follow the East African Community Customs Management Act (EACCMA) 2004. Importers should lodge documents with their Clearing and Forwarding Agent at least seven days before the goods arrive. 

Export regulations
Exporters must appoint a Licensed Clearing and Forwarding Agent (CFA) to clear their goods. Exporters must complete the documentation process online before the goods are examined and released for export. 

Trade standards
All regulated products must be tested and certified by an accredited testing and certification organization or laboratory.

Prohibited and restricted imports

Some items that are prohibited or restricted from import include:

  • Counterfeit goods
  • Pornographic materials
  • Matches containing white phosphorous
  • Narcotic drugs
  • Hazardous wastes
  • Soaps and cosmetic products containing mercury
  • Used tires
Rules of origin
Rules of origin determine where goods are produced or manufactured, not where they are shipped from. 

Trade agreements
Tanzania is a member of the EAC and SADC, which give it certain trade advantages. Tanzania also has agreements with other countries under the WTO multilateral trading system

WSSF-Admin Changed status to publish December 11, 2024